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In Chapter 19, we saw how binomial heaps support in O(lg n) worst-case time the mergeable-heap operations INSERT, MINIMUM, EXTRACT-MIN, and UNION, plus the operations DECREASE-KEY and DELETE. In this chapter, we shall examine Fibonacci heaps, which support the same operations but have the advantage that operations that do not involve deleting an element run in O(1) amortized time.
From a theoretical standpoint, Fibonacci heaps are especially desirable when the number of EXTRACT-MIN and DELETE operations is small relative to the number of other operations performed. This situation arises in many applications. For example, some algorithms for graph problems may call DECREASE-KEY once per edge. For dense graphs, which have many edges, the O(1) amortized time of each call of DECREASE-KEY adds up to a big improvement over the Θ(lg n) worst-case time of binary or binomial heaps. Fast algorithms for problems such as computing minimum spanning trees (Chapter 23) and finding single-source shortest paths (Chapter 24) make essential use of Fibonacci heaps.
From a practical point of view, however, the constant factors and programming complexity of Fibonacci heaps make them less desirable than ordinary binary (or k-ary) heaps for most applications. Thus, Fibonacci heaps are predominantly of theoretical interest. If a much simpler data structure with the same amortized time bounds as Fibonacci heaps were developed, it would be of practical use as well.
Like a binomial heap, a Fibonacci heap is a collection of trees. Fibonacci heaps, in fact, are loosely based on binomial heaps. If neither DECREASE-KEY nor DELETE is ever invoked on a Fibonacci heap, each tree in the heap is like a binomial tree. Fibonacci heaps have a more relaxed structure than binomial heaps, however, allowing for improved asymptotic time bounds. Work that maintains the structure can be delayed until it is convenient to perform.
Like the dynamic tables of Section 17.4, Fibonacci heaps offer a good example of a data structure designed with amortized analysis in mind. The intuition and analyses of Fibonacci heap operations in the remainder of this chapter rely heavily on the potential method of Section 17.3.
The exposition in this chapter assumes that you have read Chapter 19 on binomial heaps. The specifications for the operations appear in that chapter, as does the table in Figure 19.1, which summarizes the time bounds for operations on binary heaps, binomial heaps, and Fibonacci heaps. Our presentation of the structure of Fibonacci heaps relies on that of binomial-heap structure, and some of the operations performed on Fibonacci heaps are similar to those performed on binomial heaps.
Like binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps are not designed to give efficient support to the operation SEARCH; operations that refer to a given node therefore require a pointer to that node as part of their input. When we use a Fibonacci heap in an application, we often store a handle to the corresponding application object in each Fibonacci-heap element, as well as a handle to corresponding Fibonacci-heap element in each application object.
Section 20.1 defines Fibonacci heaps, discusses their representation, and presents the potential function used for their amortized analysis. Section 20.2 shows how to implement the mergeable-heap operations and achieve the amortized time bounds shown in Figure 19.1. The remaining two operations, DECREASE-KEY and DELETE, are presented in Section 20.3. Finally, Section 20.4 finishes off a key part of the analysis and also explains the curious name of the data structure.
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