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Suppose we have an integer n that we wish to factor, that is, to decompose into a product of primes. The primality test of the preceding section would tell us that n is composite, but it usually doesn't tell us the prime factors of n. Factoring a large integer n seems to be much more difficult than simply determining whether n is prime or composite. It is infeasible with today's supercomputers and the best algorithms to date to factor an arbitrary 1024-bit number.
Trial division by all integers up to B is guaranteed to factor completely any number up to B2. For the same amount of work, the following procedure will factor any number up to B4 (unless we're unlucky). Since the procedure is only a heuristic, neither its running time nor its success is guaranteed, although the procedure is very effective in practice. Another advantage of the POLLARD-RHO procedure is that it uses only a constant number of memory locations. (You can easily implement Pollard-Rho on a programmable pocket calculator to find factors of small numbers.)
POLLARD-RHO(n) 1 i ← 1 2 x1 ← RANDOM(0, n - 1) 3 y ← x1 4 k ← 2 5 while TRUE 6 do i ← i + 1 7mod n 8 d ← gcd(y - xi, n) 9 if d ≠ 1 and d ≠ n 10 then print d 11 if i = k 12 then y ← xi 13 k ← 2k
The procedure works as follows. Lines 1-2 initialize i to 1 and x1 to a randomly chosen value in Zn. The while loop beginning on line 5 iterates forever, searching for factors of n. During each iteration of the while loop, the recurrence
(31.41) | ![]() |
is used on line 7 to produce the next value of xi in the infinite sequence
the value of i is correspondingly incremented on line 6. The code is written using subscripted variables xi for clarity, but the program works the same if all of the subscripts are dropped, since only the most recent value of xi need be maintained. With this modification, the procedure uses only a constant number of memory locations.
Every so often, the program saves the most recently generated xi value in the variable y. Specifically, the values that are saved are the ones whose subscripts are powers of 2:
Line 3 saves the value x1, and line 12 saves xk whenever i is equal to k. The variable k is initialized to 2 in line 4, and k is doubled in line 13 whenever y is updated. Therefore, k follows the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ... and always gives the subscript of the next value xk to be saved in y.
Lines 8-10 try to find a factor of n, using the saved value of y and the current value of xi . Specifically, line 8 computes the greatest common divisor d = gcd(y - xi, n). If d is a nontrivial divisor of n (checked in line 9), then line 10 prints d.
This procedure for finding a factor may seem somewhat mysterious at first. Note, however, that POLLARD-RHO never prints an incorrect answer; any number it prints is a nontrivial divisor of n. POLLARD-RHO may not print anything at all, though; there is no guarantee that it will produce any results. We shall see, however, that there is good reason to expect POLLARD-RHO to print a factor p of n after iterations of the while loop. Thus, if n is composite, we can expect this procedure to discover enough divisors to factor n completely after approximately n1/4 updates, since every prime factor p of n except possibly the largest one is less than
We begin our analysis of the behavior of this procedure by studying how long it takes a random sequence modulo n to repeat a value. Since Zn is finite, and since each value in the sequence (31.42) depends only on the previous value, the sequence (31.42) eventually repeats itself. Once we reach an xi such that xi = xj for some j < i, we are in a cycle, since xi+1 = xj+1, xi+2 = xj+2, and so on. The reason for the name "rho heuristic" is that, as Figure 31.7 shows, the sequence x1, x2, ..., xj-1 can be drawn as the "tail" of the rho, and the cycle xj, xj+1, ..., xi as the "body" of the rho.
Let us consider the question of how long it takes for the sequence of xi to repeat. This is not exactly what we need, but we shall then see how to modify the argument.
For the purpose of this estimation, let us assume that the function
fn(x) = (x2 - 1) mod n
behaves like a "random" function. Of course, it is not really random, but this assumption yields results consistent with the observed behavior of POLLARD-RHO. We can then consider each xi to have been independently drawn from Zn according to a uniform distribution on Zn. By the birthday-paradox analysis of Section 5.4.1, the expected number of steps taken before the sequence cycles is .
Now for the required modification. Let p be a nontrivial factor of n such that gcd(p, n/p) = 1. For example, if n has the factorization , then we may take p to be
. (If e1 = 1, then p is just the smallest prime factor of n, a good example to keep in mind.)
The sequence 〈xi〉 induces a corresponding sequence modulo p, where
mod p
Furthermore, because fn is defined using only arithmetic operations (squaring and subtraction) modulo n, we shall see that one can compute from
the "modulo p" view of the sequence is a smaller version of what is happening modulo n:
= |
xi+1 mod p | |
= |
fn(xi) mod p | ||
= |
( | ||
= |
(by Exercise 31.1-6) |
= |
((xi mod p)2 - 1) mod p | ||
= |
| ||
= |
Thus, although we are not explicitly computing the sequence , this sequence is well defined and obeys the same recurrence as the sequence 〈xi〉.
Reasoning as before, we find that the expected number of steps before the sequence repeats is
. If p is small compared to n, the sequence
may repeat much more quickly than the sequence 〈xi〉. Indeed, the
sequence repeats as soon as two elements of the sequence 〈xi〉 are merely equivalent modulo p, rather than equivalent modulo n. See Figure 31.7, parts (b) and (c), for an illustration.
Let t denote the index of the first repeated value in the sequence, and let u > 0 denote the length of the cycle that has been thereby produced. That is, t and u > 0 are the smallest values such that
for all i ≥ 0. By the above arguments, the expected values of t and u are both
. Note that if
, then p |(xt+u+i - xt+i). Thus, gcd(xt+u+i - xt+i, n) > 1.
Therefore, once POLLARD-RHO has saved as y any value xk such that k ≥ t, then y mod p is always on the cycle modulo p. (If a new value is saved as y, that value is also on the cycle modulo p.) Eventually, k is set to a value that is greater than u, and the procedure then makes an entire loop around the cycle modulo p without changing the value of y. A factor of n is then discovered when xi "runs into" the previously stored value of y, modulo p, that is, when xi ≢ y (mod p).
Presumably, the factor found is the factor p, although it may occasionally happen that a multiple of p is discovered. Since the expected values of both t and u are , the expected number of steps required to produce the factor p is
There are two reasons why this algorithm may not perform quite as expected. First, the heuristic analysis of the running time is not rigorous, and it is possible that the cycle of values, modulo p, could be much larger than . In this case, the algorithm performs correctly but much more slowly than desired. In practice, this issue seems to be moot. Second, the divisors of n produced by this algorithm might always be one of the trivial factors 1 or n. For example, suppose that n = pq, where p and q are prime. It can happen that the values of t and u for p are identical with the values of t and u for q, and thus the factor p is always revealed in the same gcd operation that reveals the factor q. Since both factors are revealed at the same time, the trivial factor pq = n is revealed, which is useless. Again, this problem seems to be insignificant in practice. If necessary, the heuristic can be restarted with a different recurrence of the form
mod n. (The values c = 0 and c = 2 should be avoided for reasons we won't go into here, but other values are fine.)
Of course, this analysis is heuristic and not rigorous, since the recurrence is not really "random." Nonetheless, the procedure performs well in practice, and it seems to be as efficient as this heuristic analysis indicates. It is the method of choice for finding small prime factors of a large number. To factor a β-bit composite number n completely, we only need to find all prime factors less than ⌊n1/2⌋, and so we expect POLLARD-RHO to require at most n1/4 = 2β/4 arithmetic operations and at most n1/4β2 = 2β/4β2 bit operations. POLLARD-RHO's ability to find a small factor p of n with an expected number of arithmetic operations is often its most appealing feature.
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Referring to the execution history shown in Figure 31.7(a), when does POLLARD-RHO print the factor 73 of 1387?
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Suppose that we are given a function f : Zn ∈ Zn and an initial value x0 ∈ Zn. Define xi = f (xi-1) for i = 1, 2, .... Let t and u > 0 be the smallest values such that xt+i = xt+u+i for i = 0, 1, .... In the terminology of Pollard's rho algorithm, t is the length of the tail and u is the length of the cycle of the rho. Give an efficient algorithm to determine t and u exactly, and analyze its running time.
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How many steps would you expect POLLARD-RHO to require to discover a factor of the form pe, where p is prime and e > 1?
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One disadvantage of POLLARD-RHO as written is that it requires one gcd computation for each step of the recurrence. It has been suggested that we might batch the gcd computations by accumulating the product of several xi values in a row and then using this product instead of xi in the gcd computation. Describe carefully how you would implement this idea, why it works, and what batch size you would pick as the most effective when working on a β-bit number n.
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On most computers, the operations of subtraction, testing the parity (odd or even) of a binary integer, and halving can be performed more quickly than computing remainders. This problem investigates the binary gcd algorithm, which avoids the remainder computations used in Euclid's algorithm.
Prove that if a and b are both even, then gcd(a, b) = 2 gcda/2, b/2).
Prove that if a is odd and b is even, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a, b/2).
Prove that if a and b are both odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd((a - b)/2, b).
Design an efficient binary gcd algorithm for input integers a and b, where a ≥ b, that runs in O(lg a) time. Assume that each subtraction, parity test, and halving can be performed in unit time.
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Consider the ordinary "paper and pencil" algorithm for long division: dividing a by b, which yields a quotient q and remainder r. Show that this method requires O((1 + lg q) lg b) bit operations.
Define μ(a, b) = (1 + lg a)(1 + lg b). Show that the number of bit operations performed by EUCLID in reducing the problem of computing gcd(a, b) to that of computing gcd(b, a mod b) is at most c(μ(a, b) - μ(b, a mod b)) for some sufficiently large constant c > 0.
Show that EUCLID(a, b) requires O(μ(a, b)) bit operations in general and O(β2) bit operations when applied to two β-bit inputs.
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This problem compares the efficiency of three methods for computing the nth Fibonacci number Fn, given n. Assume that the cost of adding, subtracting, or multiplying two numbers is O(1), independent of the size of the numbers.
Show that the running time of the straightforward recursive method for computing Fn based on recurrence (3.21) is exponential in n.
Show how to compute Fn in O(n) time using memoization.
Show how to compute Fn in O(lg n) time using only integer addition and multiplication. (Hint: Consider the matrix
and its powers.)
Assume now that adding two β-bit numbers takes Θ(β) time and that multiplying two β-bit numbers takes Θ(β2) time. What is the running time of these three methods under this more reasonable cost measure for the elementary arithmetic operations?
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Let p be an odd prime. A number is a quadratic residue if the equation x2 = a (mod p) has a solution for the unknown x.
Show that there are exactly (p - 1)/2 quadratic residues, modulo p.
If p is prime, we define the Legendre symbol , for
, to be 1 if a is a quadratic residue modulo p and -1 otherwise. Prove that if
, then
Give an efficient algorithm for determining whether or not a given number a is a quadratic residue modulo p. Analyze the efficiency of your algorithm.
Prove that if p is a prime of the form 4k + 3 and a is a quadratic residue in , then ak+1 mod p is a square root of a, modulo p. How much time is required to find the square root of a quadratic residue a modulo p?
Describe an efficient randomized algorithm for finding a nonquadratic residue, modulo an arbitrary prime p, that is, a member of that is not a quadratic residue. How many arithmetic operations does your algorithm require on average?
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