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Karmarkar's algorithm, 777, 820
Karp's minimum mean-weight cycle algorithm, 617 pr.
k-ary tree, 1090
k-CNF, 967
k-coloring, 1019 pr., 1091 pr.
k-combination, 1096
k-conjunctive normal form, 967
kernel of a polygon, 956 ex.
key, 15, 123, 138, 197
median, of a B-tree node, 443
public, 881, 884
secret, 881, 884
static, 245
Kleene star (*), 976
KMP algorithm, 923931
knapsack problem
fractional, 382, 384 ex.
0-1, 382, 384 ex.
k-neighbor tree, 301
knot, of a spline, 767 pr.
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, 923931
k-permutation, 1095
Kraft inequality, 1091 ex.
Kruskal's algorithm, 568570
with integer edge weights, 574 ex.
k-sorted, 180 pr.
k-string, 1095
k-subset, 1073
k-substring, 1095
kth power, 855 ex.
k-universal hashing, 251 pr.

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