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quadratic function, 25
quadratic probing, 239240, 250 pr.
quadratic residue, 903 pr.
quantile, 192 ex.
query, 198
queue, 200203
in breadth-first search, 532
implemented by stacks, 204 ex.
linked-list implementation of, 208 ex.
priority, see priority queue
in push-relabel algorithms, 691 ex.
quicksort, 145164
analysis of, 149153, 155159
average-case analysis of, 156158
compared to insertion sort, 153 ex.
compared to radix sort, 173
description of, 145149
good worst-case implementation of, 192 ex.
with median-of-3 method, 162 pr.
randomized version of, 153154, 160 pr.
stack depth of, 162 pr.
tail-recursive version of, 162 pr.
use of insertion sort in, 159 ex.
worst-case analysis of, 155
QUICKSORT3, 162 pr.
quotient, 851

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