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unary, 974
unbounded linear program, 778
unconditional branch instruction, 22
uncountable set, 1073
underdetermined system of linear equations, 743
of a queue, 202
of a stack, 201
undirected graph, 1080
articulation point of, 558 pr.
biconnected component of, 558 pr.
bridge of, 558 pr.
clique in, 1003
coloring of, 1019 pr., 1091 pr.
computing a minimum spanning tree in, 561579
converting to, from a multigraph, 530 ex.
d-regular, 669 ex.
grid, 692 pr.
hamiltonian, 979
independent set of, 1018 pr.
matching of, 664
nonhamiltonian, 979
vertex cover of, 1006, 1024
see also graph
undirected version of a directed graph, 1082
uniform hashing, 239
uniform probability distribution, 11011102
uniform random permutation, 93, 101
of dynamic sets, see uniting
of languages, 976
of sets (), 1071
UNION, 455, 499
disjoint-set-forest implementation of, 508
linked-list implementation of, 502504, 505 ex.
union by rank, 506
unique factorization of integers, 854
unit (1), 851
of binomial heaps, 462468
of Fibonacci heaps, 481482
of heaps, 455
of linked lists, 208 ex.
of 2-3-4 heaps, 473 pr.
unit lower-triangular matrix, 728
unit-time task, 399
unit upper-triangular matrix, 727
unit vector, 726
universal hashing, 232236
universal sink, 530 ex.
universe, 1072
unmatched vertex, 664
unordered binomial tree, 479
unsorted linked list, 204
see also linked list
unweighted longest simple paths, 342
unweighted shortest paths, 341
upper-bound property, 587, 608
upper median, 183
upper-triangular matrix, 727

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