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valid shift, 906
of a flow, 644
of a function, 1078
objective, 774, 778
Vandermonde matrix, 734 ex.
van Emde Boas data structure, 144, 433
Var [] (variance), 1110
basic, 782
entering, 793
leaving, 793
nonbasic, 782
in pseudocode, 19
random, 1106-1111
slack, 781
variable-length code, 385
variance, 1109
of a binomial distribution, 1115
of a geometric distribution, 1112
vector, 726, 730-731
convolution of, 825
cross product of, 934
orthonormal, 769
in the plane, 934
Venn diagram, 1072
verification, 979-983
of spanning trees, 579
verification algorithm, 980
articulation point, 558 pr.
in a graph, 1080
intermediate, 629
isolated, 1081
of a polygon, 939 ex.
selector, 1009
vertex cover, 1006, 1024, 1040-1043
vertex-cover problem
approximation algorithm for, 1024-1027
NP-completeness of, 1006-1008
vertex set, 1080
violation of an equality constraint, 791
virtual memory, 22
Viterbi algorithm, 367 pr.
VLSI (very large scale integration), 87 n.

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