HTML5 Input Types
HTML5 New Input Types
HTML5 has several new input types for forms. These new features allow better input control and validation.
This chapter covers the new input types:
- color
- date
- datetime
- datetime-local
- month
- number
- range
- search
- tel
- time
- url
- week
Not all browsers support all the new input types. However, you can already start using them; If they are not supported, they will behave as regular text fields. |
Input Type: color
The color type is used for input fields that should contain a color.
Select a color from a color picker:
Input Type: date
The date type allows the user to select a date.
Input Type: datetime
The datetime type allows the user to select a date and time (with time zone).
Define a date and time control (with time zone):
Input Type: datetime-local
The datetime-local type allows the user to select a date and time (no time zone).
Define a date and time control (no time zone):
Input Type: email
The email type is used for input fields that should contain an e-mail address.
Define a field for an e-mail address (will be automatically validated when submitted):
Tip: Safari on iPhone recognizes the email type, and changes the on-screen keyboard to match it (adds @ and .com options).
Input Type: month
The month type allows the user to select a month and year.
Define a month and year control (no time zone):
Input Type: number
The number type is used for input fields that should contain a numeric value.
You can also set restrictions on what numbers are accepted:
Define a numeric field (with restrictions):
Use the following attributes to specify restrictions:
- max – specifies the maximum value allowed
- min – specifies the minimum value allowed
- step – specifies the legal number intervals
- value – Specifies the default value
Input Type: range
The range type is used for input fields that should contain a value from a range of numbers.
You can also set restrictions on what numbers are accepted.
Define a control for entering a number whose exact value is not important (like a slider control):
Use the following attributes to specify restrictions:
- max – specifies the maximum value allowed
- min – specifies the minimum value allowed
- step – specifies the legal number intervals
- value – Specifies the default value
Input Type: search
The search type is used for search fields (a search field behaves like a regular text field).
Define a search field (like a site search, or Google search):
Input Type: tel
The tel type is used for input fields that should contain a telephone number.
Define a field for entering a telephone number:
Input Type: time
The time type allows the user to select a time.
Define a control for entering a time (no time zone):
Input Type: url
The url type is used for input fields that should contain a URL address.
The value of the url field is automatically validated when the form is submitted.
Define a field for entering a URL:
Tip: Safari on iPhone recognizes the url input type, and changes the on-screen keyboard to match it (adds .com option).
Input Type: week
The week type allows the user to select a week and year.
Define a week and year control (no time zone):
HTML5 <input> Tag
Tag | Description |
<input> | Defines an input control |
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