Wed. Feb 12th, 2025


Project Euro Informatica belongs to Euro Education Federation nonprofit organization.


    Computerization widely in all fields requires the presence of specialists who are able to know in a practical operating systems and programming languages modern execute works office and accounting, operate databases, to be able to work on computer networks. The great demand for such specialists and their specifics can be resolved only through their training in schools, the European education proved to be the most suitable for this purpose. It is particularly important now and computing centers or company profile.

Optional computer prepares students to solve problematic situations of everyday life by cultivating perseverance, self-confidence, the will to carry out the thing started. I must mention the strong interdisciplinary character that you have study computer science. From the beginning, students are introduced to the computer in the optional discipline “Basics of Informatics”, which has as main objective to familiarize students with computer use. The focus is on the Microsoft operating system Windows and the programs running under it: text editor Notepad, word processor WordPad program graphics Paint, but is considered and the word processor Microsoft Word in the Microsoft Office so that any Optional pupil attending this discipline to be able to work alone and writing in any field and it graphically. The program helps develop logical thinking, mathematical algorithms of application knowledge, familiarity with programming languages. The study acknowledges HTML webpage notion of students being the bridge between your computer and the virtual world World Wide Web. Undoubtedly the main attraction for students is the Internet, they reveal a fascinating world. On the Internet, they find information for reports, virtually visiting exotic places, communicate with friends or find the latest news about your favorite team.

The syllabus for the course “Basics of Informatics” is focused on objectives, the teacher having the choice to achieve their specific learning activities. Class is the first year of study of the optional computer.


Euro Informatica Project is a project aimed at young people in Europe who can express themselves through computer . The project takes place in period : ___________

The theme of the youth exchange project on IT , its promotion of European IT  values .

Project Objectives:

– Encouraging social activities through IT  to children and youth to develop their creativity and innovation through social networking Useful links between European countries participating in the Youth in Action Programme ;

– Promoting the IT of regional and global unity by gathering various studies , experts and producers of IT ;

– Research and promotion , without any discrimination to religion , class , sex , age , nation, or other social indicators .

– Responsibility to ensure active involvement of participants in project preparation , its implementation and dissemination of project results ;

– Support for achieving the objectives and priorities of the Youth in Action Programme in general insurance and protection for its representatives during project implementation ;

– Provide project visibility and locally support program dissemination and exploitation of project results of the European Community ;

– Providing a space where participants define creativity in the context of its use in the Youth in Action ;

– Provide the opportunity to share experiences nonformal education methods used in Youth in Action projects ;

– Provide an opportunity for exchange of knowledge and experiences between members of different international organizations involved in projects and creating new partnerships ;

– Harnessing talent and artistic skills of children;

– Develop the ability to communicate through art ;

– Stimulating interest and motivation for practicing IT ;

– Education of positive will and character ;

– Developing a sense of self-affirmation in the space competition and cooperation with group members;

– To promote friendship and cooperation among children by conducting educational activities among members of the partner institutions ;

– Encourage and promote the creative abilities of students by organizing competitions;

– Develop existing partnerships and addressing others;

– Young people accept and respect other cultures ( intercultural interaction through participation in events ) ;

– Young people aware of the importance of non-formal education methods ( which implies non-formal education : examples of education related to IT ) ;

– Young people to promote tolerance and mutual esteem ;

– Young people are creative ;

– Young people working in teams (groups target the social environment ) ;

– Young people to promote the concept of European citizenship ;

– Young artistic initiate specific activities ;

– Young people with fewer opportunities to take young people ;

– Young people to relate to all stakeholders , beneficiaries indirecţii ;

– Young people engage in volunteer activities ;


Duration in days of the project is ________________________ .

Participating countries are Romania and other countries, with each one promoters each country.

The activities consist of IT classes with a set schedule between 10-14 daily meetings of children and young people through the exchange of experiences and IT .

The methods used to achieve these goals are :

– Work in team / group ;

– Open communication and effectiveness, and implementation of ideas addressed legal IT;

– Opening theme to the artistic sense of IT;

– Brainstorming methods : the method organizes a problem situation that allows young people to make more proposals for ideas , excuzând any form of criticism or discussion ;

– Synectics method : divide the problem into several parts ( sections ) that communicates the youth closer to the analogies and metaphors , core ei.Rezolvarea postponed until he finds that young people find effective solutions ( with diff . expressive artistic effects ) . Only when he announces what the essence of the problem .

– Observation directed ;

– Explanation ;

– Conversation ;

– Demonstration ;

– Independent activity ;

– Exercise : Exercise prevocale , diction , vocal heating , intelligence , audition after a model ;

– Role play , youth target group receiving roles so that the situation in the field presented by the project manager can be reproduced in a training session , role play has three stages : preparation, games , discussion, information that young people need retain them being more easily assimilated than when reading or presenting a case of a person , by words . The protagonists of both articles and themes of IT will be members of the target group , who will play the characters they represent.

– Simulations , role plays , in which members of the target group involved simulated unreal situations , but should be treated as subjects of audio media , are simulated cases that target group members must treat them as if they were real situations , to investigate them as true protagonists viewpoint ask the parties involved , which are also represented by members of the target group , then go to edit articles and audio for recording videos , reports in the transmission of the studio.

– Debate – choice of topics to be aired or debated in a possible studio show will be a vote by members of the target group , after some debate , whose progress and results will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting .



C.General competence
General competences of this discipline aims:

• Modern user skills development;

• Know how to use tools;

• Understanding the impact of technology in society, and the connections between science and other subjects.

Learning content for curriculum core is designed to provide a baggage minimum knowledge and skills in computer science, while curriculum The school can offer topics not included in the syllabus or integrated topic areas applicable informatics curriculum.





D. Setting goals :
Setting goals :

1.Instruirea students in the fields NTSM, PSI, specific hygiene business profile
2. Use OS
3.Formarea and development of skills and abilities Computer
4.Însuşirea elements and skills to use text editor
5.Însuşirea basics of programming and its application in solving problems
6.Însuşirea notions of producing web pages




E. Competences specific
C1. Training students in the fields NTSM, PSI, specific hygiene business profile
Competences specific Learning activities
to know the risk factors
to know and apply the rules of occupational hygiene, MSDS and PSI
to know first aid techniques in case of accident
– Identifying risk factors
– Presentation of devices and materials for labor protection;
– Debates on their proper use, in compliance NTSM
– Practical applications of first aid in case of accident
C2. Training and development of skills and abilities Computer
2.1 Structure of a computing system

2.2 setting for the optimal functioning of the computer components

central -Unitatea
Mood guaranteed input, output
-Setarea Mouse and keyboard writing language choice
C3. Using OS
3.1 Use of operating systems
3.2 Elements of communication between the user and the operating system: operations
-setarea computer components
-operaţii and orders
– System accessories (Notepad, WordPad, Calculator, Paint)
C4. Acquiring items and skills to use text editor
4.1 Operations in text editors
4.2 The menu bar has a text editor
-commands stages of writing a text
-inserare images,
-tipărirea texts
C5  Learning the basics of programming and its application in solving problems
5.1 Basic Programming

5.2 Instructions programming languages: C / C ++, C #, JAVA, PHP

Languages C / C ++, C #, JAVA, PHP:
-Compact Basic vocabulary
-Noţiunea Date, variables, expressions
-Structure straight
alternative -Structure
-Structure Control
-Aplicaţii And testing
C6 To acquire notions of producing web pages
6.1 Basic editing rules











6.2 Making a personal page


– Introduction to HTML
– Key elements, HTML
– Create and edit HTML pages
– Set document properties
– Securities paragraphs, a new line, horizontal line
– Text format
– Bullets and Numbering
– Imaging
– Creating links
-realization web page
C7 Learning the basics for working with documents and spreadsheets
7.1 Basics spreadsheets and Word documents and presentation









Microsoft EXCEL
-Introduction In the workplace
-Structure A spreadsheet (rows, columns, cells) and save it
Introducing data into a spreadsheet, formatting cells in a spreadsheet, automatically fill (autofill)
-Inserare Formulas in a spreadsheet (calculating the sum, minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean)
-Inserare Chart in a spreadsheet
-Formatarea Page spreadsheet and print it
Microsoft WORD
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft ACCESS



C8 Graphics processing, audio and video
8.1 Basic and advanced on graphics processing, audio and video










-Use Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks
-Use Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Cubase, Pinnacle
-Use 3D Studio Max
C9 Working database
9.1 Basic and advanced about working with databases






-Use MySQL
-Use Oracle
-Sintaxa And use: create, insert, update, and delete


F. Content
I.Norme labor protection
Knowing the rules of labor protection in the computer lab
First aid in case of accidentGeneral computerII.Structure
The computer-overview
• Central unit
• peripheral input devices
• peripheral output devicesIII. Operating systems
The Windows operating system
Operations under Windows: file creation, copying, deleting, renaming files
CalculatorIV. Paint image editor
Overview, using tools
Creating a Project

V. Processing and printing texts
Setting up a page for writing a document (page size, page layout, text alignment, font choice and character size), borders page
Working with texts: cross, bold, tilt, paragraph, text coloring
View the text before printing
Writing the Text Box, writing WordArt (coloring), inserting images into text

VI.Limbaje Programming C / C ++, C #, JAVA, PHP
-Compact Basic vocabulary
-Noţiunea Date, variables, expressions
-Structure Straight
Alternative -Structure
-Structure Control

VII. Internet and Web pages
-inserare text, paragraph formatting
-inserarea images, background setting
-realization web page
-Use search engine Google for accessing sites
-Use social networks: Facebook, Google+, Twitter

VIII. Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access
-Noţiunea Files and Word documents by type
-Noţiunea Files and Excel documents
-Noţiunea Files and PowerPoint documents
-Noţiunea Type of files and documents Access
Introducing data into a spreadsheet, formatting cells in a spreadsheet, automatically fill (autofill)
-Inserare Formulas in a spreadsheet (calculating the sum, minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean)
-Inserare Chart in a spreadsheet
-Formatarea Page spreadsheet and print it

IX.Procesare graphics, audio and video
-Use Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks
-Use Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition
-Use 3D Studio Max

X.Lucrul database
-Use MySQL
-Use Oracle
-Sintaxa And use: create, insert, update, and delete




G. Values and attitudes
1. Expression of a creative mindset in structuring and solving problems
2. Awareness of the social, economic and moral informatics
3. Forming habits to resort to computerized type concepts and algorithms to address a variety of issues.
4. manifestation of favorable attitudes towards science and knowledge in general
5. The event willingness to evaluate / assess themselves practical activities
The event initiative and willingness to tackle various tasks




H. Sugestion metodologic
• objectives to be achieved by the end of the lesson will be communicated to students at the beginning; is proposed for each hour a limited number of objectives that can be achieved safely.
• After announcing the theme and goals during the sequence a little time must be used to refresh the knowledge already acquired by students and which will be used to present the lesson.
• Students will always be questioned, engaged in making lesson.
• The lesson will take place in the computer lab and theoretical notions by presenting practical applications will be done on the computer.



I. Evalueting methods

• choice test;
• Work control;
• Computer Applications;
• Making group projects.

If students developed programs, the evaluation will take into account:

1. the difficulty of the problem;
2. correctness solution presented;
3. originality of the solution;
4. working time.



J. Bibliographie
1.Informatică, clasa a V-a, Editura Arves, autori Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Ovidiu Ninel Staicu,    Craiova 2003

2.Tainele informaticii, clasele V-VIII, Editura Paralela 45, autor Rodica Matei

3.Limbajul Turbo Pascal, Editura Libris , Doina Rancea














Learning Units Main objectives Content Hours Week Obs
1. Safety rules Knowing the rules of labor protection in the computer lab 1 S1
2. The general architecture of a computer Knowledge, understanding and use of concepts specific information technology – Introduction.
– Central Unit
– Peripheral input devices, output






3. The Windows operating system Developing the capacity to process information using processing means and methods of its primary processing and complex. -Interfaţa Windows Start, My Computer
Working with files, icons and windows
-Aplicaţia Calculator









4. Paint image editor -Develop The ability of exploration / investigation, developing the creative to achieve a product with a computer
-Development Of interest and motivation for using information technology
-to General use of tools
-realization Project









5. Processing and printing texts -Develop The ability to process information using processing means and methods of its primary processing and complex. -Processing Texts. Getting Started
-Editorul Texts Notepad and WordPad word processor
-Procesorul Word text formatting fonts, paragraphs, page
-Inserarea images
-realization A draft of the printer and printing
























Learning Units Main objectives Content Hours Week Obs
6. Languages: C / C ++, C #, PHP, JAVA
Basics web pages and general concepts of Internet
-Use A programming environment
-To Analyze and solve problems through the application of specific algorithms (to identify input and output data, to choose data to discover relationships between data).
-using Correct language instructions (alternative and repetitive)
-Evolution of programming languages, Pascal program structure
-Compact Basic Pascal
-Vocabularul language
-Editarea, Compiling, running programs
-Noţiunea Type of time variable expressions
-Citirea / Writing data.
-Structure Linear applications simple calculation expressions (amounts, products, etc.)
-Structure Alternative processing applications of sequence determination values min / max
Control structures, a number of figures processing applications (ie, the sum of figures palindromic property testing, etc.)
-Aplicaţii Refresher algorithms elementary divisibility issues (for example, determining a number divisors, determine GCD / cmmmc, testing PrimaLite)
-Aplicaţii And testing






























7. Languages: C / C ++, C #, PHP, JAVA
Basics web pages and general concepts of Internet
-Use basic operations needed to achieve an HTML page
-use the basic elements for insertion into page elements: text, image
-aplicarea basic operations required for a page – Copy, Move, Delete
General -Note Internet usage
-Tag HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY, the structure of a Web page
-Inserare Text, text formatting, paragraph
-inserarea images, background webpage
-realization own web page on a topic of choice
-Use mototului Google search to access some sites
-reţele Social: Facebook, Google+ Messenger;

















8. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access -Use A spreadsheet environment
-Setarea Properties spreadsheet
-Use The basic elements in a spreadsheet
-Aplicarea Operations base for calculation tables
-Use Word file type
-Use PowerPoint files
-Use File types Access
-Introduction In Microsoft Excel
-Structure A spreadsheet (rows, columns, cells) and save it
Introducing data into a spreadsheet, formatting cells in a spreadsheet, automatically fill (autofill)
-Inserare Formulas in a spreadsheet (calculating the sum, minimum, maximum, arithmetic mean)
-Inserare Chart in a spreadsheet
-Formatarea Page spreadsheet and print it
practical -Aplicaţii-Utilizare fisierelor de tip Word-Use PowerPoint files
-Use File types Access

















9. Graphics processing, audio and video -Use Initial and advanced level -Use Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks
-Use Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition
-Use 3D Studio Max









10. Working database -Use Initial and advanced level -Use MySQL
-Use Oracle
-Sintaxa And use: create, insert, update, and delete









11. Final recap Fixing concepts learned, review and evaluation   1 S48  



Nr. Flag Name of Country Presence Signature/Stamp
1. Albania    
2. Andorra    
3. Armenia    
4. Austria    
5. Azerbaijan    
6. Belarus    
7. Belgium    
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina    
9. Bulgaria    
10. Croatia    
11. Cyprus    
12. Czech    
13. Denmark    
14. Estonia    
15. Finland    
16. France    
17. Georgia    
18. Germany    
19. Greece    
20. Hungary    
21. Iceland    
22. Ireland    
23. Italy    
24. Kazakhstan    
25. Latvia    
26. Liechtenstein    
27. Lithuania    
28. Luxembourg    
29. Macedonia    
30. Malta    
31. Moldova    
32. Monaco    
33. Montenegro    
34. Netherlands    
35. Norway    
36. Poland    
37. Portugal    
38. Romania YES  
39. Russia    
40. San Marino    
41. Serbia    
42. Slovakia    
43. Slovenia    
44. Spain    
45. Sweden    
46. Switzerland    
47. Turkey    
48. Ukraine    
49. United Kingdom    
50. Vatican    



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